Decided come bloggg:) Finally, I'm being in a good mood. Guess its cos of you. You're th cause of my tears, smile, laughter and everything happening. Without you none of this will be possible. Though we're friends, as long as I know your feelings for me its good enough. It ain't a need to be a couple. As long as you happy, I am too. I didn't know you could be th someone which can initiate me to do so many things. Things I'd never want to take initiative to do, I already did to you. Things are getting better. I hope they will continue to be. N's have started. I really shouldn't be spending too much time on th comp already. So far chinese papers finally all over. Guess I'll get worse a B or C? Oral, listening and paper, was much MUCH easier than expected ^^ But sadly, for EL I haven't been doing so well :( Oral cui, listening cui:( Left th 2 main papers tmrw! If I don't score well, I guess its for me! :( Must do well for tmrw's paper!! Then jiu left with CPA EBS and maths! I better do well for especially MATHS OR ELSE I WILL FA SIAO. I still suck at it, but I'm trying.. K, gotta stop saying le. Need go study as I told myself gotta study at 5.30!! BYEBYE :D
05:30PM ; 06 September 11