My Stalkers* ♥

Friday, October 28, 2011

Its so heartbreaking seeing the way you react to the things I've been trying to do... I really just wanna make it up to you, but there's no way I can already... Once I start work next week, I jiu won't go out already. If can jiu work full time from monday to sunday. Not wanting to think of anymore of your things.. I've been trying and trying.. I know I'm still failing and I'm still trying... Doing all sorts of things to stop thinking but I just can't.. Probably, I've gotten the answer I feared to receive... Well, enough is enough. Maybe I should stop my nonsense. No matter how I try you won't be the same you anymore... You totally treat me like a stranger. You no longer need me anymore.. You won't be the one to be there anymore. You don't bother at all.. I thought you really cared but you didn't... In the past it would be you to ask me to wipe away my tears and xiang qian zou.. But not anymore... I really regretted everything I did... Once that day passes, I'll not be keeping in touch with you anymore.. I'll just permanently go away and never come back. Things really have changed.. Well, just for you to be happy, I will go as far as possible. I won't disturb you and your life anymore...


01:26AM ; 29 October 11

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